Don't you think it just is practical that a natural latex mattress vs a synthetic latex mattress would assist persons that have allergies? It's true, lots of men and women have allergies to things for example petrochemicals, which is precisely what a synthetic latex mattress is constructed from. You bypass that concern with a natural latex mattress. Want zero carbon emissions? It's a symbiotic relationship with nature when we are complementing her by our give and take. We take an amazing night's sleep on her natural latex made into a mattress, and leave no harm to the trees that this natural rubber was taken from.

Many people like latex because they view it as a natural product and, therefore, they reason that it is healthier to sleep on. Some processes use petroleum or chemicals in manufacturing. This would produce a mattress that is not natural. Natural latex is biodegradable. Latex is very supportive but also pretty firm. It will transfer a little bit more motion than memory foam. Natural latex is breathable, keeping you warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. It also tends to sleep "cooler" meaning that you will typically remain cool as you sleep.Latex is naturally hypoallergenic and anti-microbial.

Major "S" brands who manufacture synthetic latex are tricky. They are trying to pass as all natural latex, they call it 100% genuine latex, when what it is is blended latex. Like "Genuine Zirconia" is not a real diamond. It is a slide of hands, they call it by many names. Unfortunately, the government allows a manufacturer to put a "All Natural Latex" label on their mattresses as long as 80% is latex. Well, I think that is deceptive. They also don't require manufactures or retailers to disclose the toxic chemicals they put in their mattresses.

Natural latex mattresses are made with a blend of 30% organic and 70% synthetic latex. Organic mattresses are created using 100% organic latex, while also only using organic materials in the manufacturing process. These other materials include glue, the mattress cover, etc. The main reason people decide they want an organic latex mattress is that they want to keep their ecological footprint to a minimum. A natural latex bed is not better than an organic latex bed or vice versa. Both organic and natural latex mattresses last a very long time, and have similar comfort and pressure-relief benefits. Latex Foam Layers

Latex mattresses are widely used every-where. They are similar to the innerspring mattress, even though they have a latex foam core rather than interlocking coils. These mattresses provide comfort, and will also help relieve pressure - a fantastic plus! Background Information Latex mattresses have a core of latex rubber foam which is encased in a mattress cover. The core can be created with synthetic latex, natural latex, or a mixture of both. By using different combinations of natural and synthetic latex, mattresses of different firmnesses may be created. In the united states, over 75% of latex foam mattresses have a blended core.

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